The International Law Division is designated as the Registry of Treaties under the Treaty Making and Ratification Act.
The Division is responsible for negotiating, drafting, vetting and undertaking interpretation of international documents, contracts, agreements and treaties for and on behalf of Government Ministries, Departments and State Corporations.
The Division renders legal advice on all international and regional law matters to Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
MISSION: Provide excellent, timely, and impartial legal services on international law matters for and on behalf of the Government of Kenya through provision of efficient, effective and sound advice.
The Division is tasked with diverse range of matters including but not limited to:
- Treaty Making and Implementation;
- International trade and Investment law;
- International Humanitarian Law;
- International Dispute Settlement;
- International Environmental Law;
- Intellectual Property Law;
- Aviation matters;
- International Judicial Cooperation Arrangements;
- Law of the Sea and maritime matters;
- Law relating to the United Nations and other International and Regional bodies; and,
- Security Matters.
SERVICE PROVISIONIn the discharge of its mandate, the Division:
- Provides legal advice to Ministries, Departments and Agencies on Bilateral, Regional and International law matters upon receipt of all information and documentation;
- Provides legal advice on the Implementation of Treaties and Conventions to which Kenya is a Party to;
- Provides legal advice and coordinate in matters on Judicial cooperation and international criminal justice;
- Represents the Republic of Kenya in international arbitration and litigation matters;
- Represents the Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice in multinational, regional and international conferences and workshops as requested by MDA’s;
- Participates in the negotiation and ratification process of regional and international legal instrument; and,
- Monitors the implementation of Treaties ratified by Kenya and coordinating the reporting obligations to international and regional Treaty bodies to which Kenya is a member.